May 29, 2014

The very heart of you

Staring up into the sky, the creature's vision was blurred. It could barely make out the sun's rays of light pouring down on it, fighting to win the others over to reach it. It looked around its surrounding, wondering where it was, wondering how it had ended up here, yet nothing satisfied its curious feelings. Blurriness was all around it, and it couldn't make out the forms and figures around it. Desolation filled its mind, though it knew what little capacity and capability of power it held.

Its eyes filled with dread as it realized it was sinking deeper and deeper into a pit, an abyss it never knew existed until that very moment, until it was going under. Droswining. No, drowering. Not quite, but almost. Drowining, drowning! Yes! That was it, finally it had come to its mind. Drowning, that was they had called it. Its master had said it was a horrible feeling, something that charged at your insides till they were no longer able to properly function and complete the job they had been assigned to do. As usual, he had been right.

This thing, this feeling inside it, it was ghastly, almost as if death meant to cut off its already meager link with its master. The chill that went through its body raked up enough shivers to momentarily divert its attention from the fate that awaited it. The very thought of being pulled apart from its master was something that nearly killed it and it knew that if that action were to be fulfilled, it would most definitely die. The same went for its master, if this being died so would the lord that controlled it. The tie that bonded them held them so massively together that any type of force on either of the parts would result to the death of both, with no means to stop the unstoppable.

Eyes turned upwards, mouth towards the exact opposite direction. Already it could feel the very air it breathed striving to reach its wavering lungs. It still didn't know where it was, why it was there and, especially, how it had gotten there. It figured its master had turned, and quite suddenly by the looks of it. It didn't consciously know that if its master were to change his side of mind, it would disappear and let a darker being, similar to it, replace it. The darkness would fill its master in such an increasingly alarming rate, that its center of existence would fade almost intermediately.

It would have never expected to be in this situation, where something as underestimated as air was extremely missed. Water, or whatever liquid that surrounded it, clawed at its lungs anxiously, trying to take out whatever smidgens of air that were left inside.

Its very existence depended solely on its master, yet its master was nothing without it. The beings disappearance would dictate the end of its owner, he would die if the creature ceased to exist. Its master was who controlled it, who had a say in its destiny, even in the was it behaved or the consequences behind that behavior. The creature was what kept its master living and thriving on life, it was what defined its master. When it drowned its master would be no more. Together, both were united by a force so strong, it was unimaginable to anyone else.

Desperate attempts were made to reach the surface, desperate measures that brought no happy endings. As the creature's eyes closed for a final time, it realized the importance it held and why it held. The last meaningful moment.

The creature was a soul.

The soul had died, forever ceasing to exist.


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                                              Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

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