September 30, 2014


Tis what life shall bring.
Let me be clear on what exactly dystopia means.


An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one. 

To make you understand better, I guess the simplest way of telling you what a dystopia is would be explaining the only thing that I have left in my life, if one would call it a life. This, is my story. 

It all started three hundred years ago, when the "internet" started to be developed massively.The time came when no one could have a life if not with their portable telephones. My distant relatives were firm believers of leaving behind that beast of a thing which sucked the life out of whoever held it in their hands. For them, it was merely an object to set aside. Now, those objects that were of so importance and vital for their living are now collecting dust in the very corners of the masers. Do you not know of the masers? Barely anyone passes by them, they are in the ruins of the old cities, those like New York, London and Madrid. I believe in the old language, the word for a maser was a museum. The older masers were torn down by the scum that filtered through the streets, merely a hundred years back, when everything started to go desperately wrong, for the ones who live the devastation left, is us.

For those who are to come, I fear for what may lay ahead. But for now, I may only suffer in silence, beyond what I have fought to avoid. Everyday I try hard to make amends with the society I now live in, but every day, I find it harder to survive. The sights all around me are like nothing you have ever seen before. The view from my very window would be considered an exceptionally unique landscape, except, for the fact that I personally dislike having rotten, melted rubbish just being dumped in front of my house for endless periods of time.

Some time ago, the need for electricity grew, and, with it, the necessity for water to cool down all the engines and generators. Now, that meant the sea levels started to decrease with the sudden overwhelming drain of the water in it. And, as everything in life, the water supply wasn't infinite, not even taking into account all the continental water that had already been pumped out in all the ways possible. Thus being the fact, we were left without water.

Technology advanced, and with it, some of the needs for water decreased though, unfortunately, it failed to advance fast enough, and the Earth became the desolate desert I now live in. Plants started to wither and die, trees became less and almost disappeared altogether. Rain forests and forests ceased to exist, masses of green erased from Earth. I fear there is not much more to tell you, for the only knowledge I posses has been passed down through generations, each story unwinding and expanding from its author, creating twisted story lines waving back and forth through time. Paper books were abandoned for the lack of paper, and, though technology prospered, it only did so for a while until thing began to go downhill with global resources and economies, retaking us to past centuries where knowing things was as rare as having money.

What I can tell you is the outstanding increase of the human population. So incredible was it that many, many, spaceships were sent out with thousands of people on each one, but because we no longer had any means of communication, they were lost forever into the great darkness. Such drastic measures were taken in vain unfortunately, and the planet was still filled to the brim, causing the deaths of millions by famine, droughts, being broke or having no where to live and sleep.

My time is now different. Nothing would please me more than being able to tell you everything is going much better and the human race has taken over again, but I'm afraid I can't, for we are now fewer than ever, striving to live a life never meant for us. To tell you about the marvelous smells I enjoy as soon as I open a window would be lying. There is nothing but foul odors invading your nasal cavity sensory cells, the very reason it is impossible to step outside without being poisoned. Yes, we are still humans just like those who lived so many years ago and oxygen is very much needed still, which is why it is supplied by tanks who try to recreate its original essence, but in vain. Tanks which are only chemical reactions determine our live source. Tubes, tubes that let us live.

Huge embankments of garbage and trash the size of countries right outside your window. No fauna to be proud of, only those that managed to have a mutation and survive the bitter conditions. Drastic changes in temperatures at sudden times.

For this to be left to those that remain makes me shudder. I for one, cannot say we are what we used to be, for greed and wanting everything destroyed everything. Our everything, the green planet.


Do not take the Earth for granted, take for granted every day will never be the same for it. Take care of our dear planet, it will not last forever.

Read, love, enjoy, share. Luv you

  Esther Alós © All rights reserved 


  1. Very touching. Thanks for making us aware of what we own. Please do continue writting.

    1. Thank you for reading and for your comment. Continue to enjoy the pleasures of life. Lots of love

  2. Ok, I wrote a a great "thanks", quite long, and since I'm such and intelligent person, I deleted it all because my phone (a really intelligent phone, just like me) decided to do it. So I'll try to write it again:
    Thanks for everything, I really like this kind of texts, trying to make us care about our beloved Earth. It reminded me that sentence which says "if trees gave us free WiFi, no one would cut them. But we do, since they don't give it. They just give us oxygen, and, who cares about it?"
    Once I get home I won't be able to do much: just recycling, switching off the lights, and trying to make anyone around me to concern. But who knows; maybe these little acts will start moving all of us, and then we'll be able to start changing. I just hope it won't be too late. So thanks for trying to make us to concern. Don't stop writing, we are all enjoying it. And don't let anyone to shout your mouth, they won't worth it.
    A kind of "reader of you": anonymous
    Oh, and I also wanted to say thanks for the one you wrote as a card of a father. It was very touching, it got deep inside me. So thanks for it. Please, keep writing (again, I'm just making sure you got it)

    1. Oh no, I hate it when phones do that.
      That is actually as true as it gets, the more we advance in science and technology, the less we pay attention to the vital things in life, such as our planet.
      Any little action will help. If you think about it, you are doing what you call these "little acts", but you aren't the only person thinking that. The world is over populated at the moment, and it's only getting worse, and even if that isn't the topic we're on, all of us could make a difference, all these people could help.
      Thank you so much for your wonderful comment and I hope you enjoyed it.
      Keep reading, be happy.
