December 17, 2013

Her Part II

(Her, Part 1)
As she began running, she knew she was being followed by the man, as footsteps pattered quickly after her. She couldn't keep running, she knew he was faster than her and probably had much more stamina than her. It was only a matter of time until he caught up with her. She looked around and saw a fire escape on the side of an old building. Desperate as she was, she saw she had no other choice and hurried up, with no way to know if she was going into a worse situation.

As she began climbing up, turning and turning at every floor, she tried to remember what the man looked like. All she could remember were his eyes and hair, seeing as he'd had half his face covered up. He wasn't anything out of the ordinary. He could have merely been a simple bystander, with no role to play and nothing to accomplish. There was definitely no way of knowing it had been him if she found him in the street. But she had seen a twinkle in his eyes, a twinkle of recognition. She was sure he had recognized her, and wanted to kill her, before she found a way out or discovered who he was.

She still had that sinking feeling in her stomach she had felt since she first saw him that she knew him from somewhere. Of course, that might have been because he had killed someone right before her eyes. The fact that he had killed somebody, with a single blow no less, without even stopping to think about it. 

And the poor man, so old and so full of wisdom and knowledge. She had never met anyone who had captivated her so much. Less than ten seconds their encounter had lasted, ten seconds of his life that he would never get back. Ten seconds he had wasted on her, probably knowing they would be the last. And that she was the last person he would ever see. The last person to set his eyes upon and the last to see him breath.

That worried her, the way he had looked at her made her realize that what he had given her and what he was going to say was so important that he had risked his life just to get the message to her. It was something that went beyond the limits of her mind, a mind used to a regular life but nevertheless, trained and made to accomplish whatever mind blowing missions were sent her way.

 But it still worried her. It worried her to the extent that she had stopped, caught up in her thoughts.

She only saw that she had stopped when  she heard the heavy steps starting to climb. He had found her out! She felt him go up, one step at a time, like a predator so sure he was going to catch his victim, so sure of himself that there was no need to hurry. Seeing it like that, it was easy to see why he thought he could make it to her and kill her. She was the useless rabbit, meal to many creatures, while he was the sly, dangerous and crafty fox.

It was just another game for him, just to play with her a bit, the way a cat would scamper around chasing an innocent mouse, trapping it in corners and making it's tiny heart race while reaching for it with it's sharpened claws, attacking and retracting slowly, just for the sheer pleasure of a hunting game. She was the mouse and he was the cat. A game of hide and seek, a game of intelligence, a race for life.

She passed by a window when she started to climb again. It was just a window, it had no importance whatsoever, but it made her realize that maybe one of the best virtues in life was something as simple as a window. Of course, it was what she had seen inside that made her think this.

She had seen a young girl, no more than four or five years old, with her hair held up by bright orange rubber bands in two tiny ponytails, each emerging from both sides of her small round head. She was with her grandfather, or so it seemed, and was climbing on to his lap while he delicately helped her, making sure she didn't hurt herself, but at the same time letting her decide her own path, letting her decide for herself and making her seem important, even if only to her beloved grandfather.

She couldn't bear to look at that scene anymore. It was a childhood she'd never had, a childhood she so desperately yearned for, a childhood taken from her without the slightest care for her feelings, or how that would affect her in life. Her family snatched away from her, leaving her helpless and alone. Those feelings she needed, basic cuddles or whispering comforting words in her ears, stuff she had never had. Things like those that every small child needed in order to feel something good out of life. That's where he had come in, crashing into her life like a bulldozer, a handsome bulldozer at that. He had changed her life in so many ways, surprising her then as much as he still did now. He had taken her out of that dark hole and introduced her to the world, recreating her and giving her hope. Hope that was long forgotten. Hope that had barely existed in her life. Hope that was new to her,a new feeling, a feeling of happiness, something she hadn't experienced almost at all in those few years of live her mother had given her.

A tear fell down her cheek. Clear and transparent it fell, smudging the dirt and dust that had been gathering on her face throughout the day. She quickly pulled her hand up and cleared the water. If she didn't concentrate she would end up walking with her parents and siblings.

She had been going up for a while now, you could tell t was one of the first skyscrapers built around that neighborhood, seeing that this was one of the oldest neighborhoods, and maybe the most dangerous. If not the most, the next in line to be it. Then why what she doing here? And on the brink of being killed. And while we're at it, why had she put up with waiting for him, the way she always did? It made no sense, except to say that she was in love, as much as a person could love another one, she loved him.

She reached a window that had been left open and without stopping to think about it, ducked inside. As she stepped down from the window pane, her eyes began to adjust to the darkness inside that room. It was an oppressing darkness that surrounded her. And it was very stuffy and dusty, you could tell it had not been cleaned out for quite some time. As her eyes adjusted to that overwhelming darkness, she began to make out several shapes. Some were covered up pieces of furniture, while others were statues and little figurines.

Suddenly she heard the heavy footsteps behind her again and spun around, rushing to close the window, which luckily had a lock, taking advantage of that piece of luck and locking it too. She then ran to hide behind something that appeared to be a big armchair. As she sat down behind it, she  made sure the strange man couldn't see her from the window, she leaned out a bit and peeked at the window, waiting for the man to pass. As she had predicted, the man appeared slowly afterwards. Now she could see a bit more of him without risking her life.

He had broad shoulders and you could tell he was well built. He had two or three hairs that barely stood out on his shiny bald head. Petty eyes that stood out because his mouth was turned into a malicious snarl. He looked like he he'd never been kind to anyone or raised a single hand to help somebody out. What's more, he looked as if all he'd done in his life was make the lives of the rest of everybody else miserable. But she didn't think he worked alone, he probably worked for someone else. Someone who had great power, enough to turn his soul into something evil. She could tell it was like that just by looking into his eyes. She was trained to see that sort of stuff, to see into one's soul and sometimes she could even control people with her eyes.

The man ran past the window and continued climbing upwards. She breathed a sigh of relief and slumped against the chair. She stayed like that for some times, absorbed in her thoughts and not really being conscious of time passing. She was replaying everything that had happened that day, since she had woken up to his call, begging her to meet him later on. She then started remembering the past days, and how so many curious things had happened. Even her boss had been acting weird and she was sure something big was afoot but she hadn't dared to even ask. She knew they would tell her in their own time, and even then, they wouldn't tell her everything. That's the way it worked with them.

She put her hands in her coat pockets to keep them warm and felt the rough surface of a crinkled piece of paper. She recalled it was what the old man had tried to give her before being so brutally murdered. She pulled it out, and indeed it was the ruffled, almost broken paper she had snatched up at the last moment. Why was it so important? Well, whatever it was, she couldn't dally on it, and waste time just now to read whatever was on it. She slipped it back into her pocket and let her thoughts wander again.

When her bones started to ache and she couldn't really move, she realized a great deal of time had passed and she slowly stood up, feeling how her muscles protested with every tiny movement she made. She looked around, breathing relaxed for the first time that day and approached a tiny statue standing on the left of her. It was a woman staring up, looking up into the infinity, with a deep look, creating a tingling feeling of mystery. She had some difficulty looking away from it, and stumbled backwards.

Suddenly she heard a sound coming from the door and a line of light from underneath the door. She didn't know what to do and started to panic. She could hear footsteps coming closer and closer towards the room.
Someone grabbed hold of the door handle and it slowly bent while the door began to creak open.

So anyway, here you go; another of my boring, not interesting post.
What do you think is going to happen? Who is behind the door? And where is her handsome friend she had been waiting for? And that strange piece of paper, what is on it? 

If you have any questions, opinions or you think you know the answers to these questions just write a comment below. Especially if you want me to continue the story or if you'd like me to write about some idea that sprang up in your head.

And if you want me to tell you when there's a new post up, my twitter is @estherturbi .
Keep enjoying life, luv you

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 


  1. What happened in the past?Is anything linked with her ruined childhood?

    1. Hmm it could be right? How many times has our past changed the way we sre? It might be that, yet again, it might not be.
