October 24, 2013


These rocks? They are called Amethyst. They are mostly found in Siberia, Sri Lanka, Brazil and the far East. The name comes from Ancient Greek because they believed that this rock protected its owner from its own drunkenness.
Its a very curious rock formation, on the outside its a very plain, edgy, dull rock, but, find a small crack, open it up and presto! You have a beautiful rock filled with millions of tiny bits and pieces of crystals, all semi-transparent. Another universe of beauty and light.
I've chosen this rock formation because it is a clear definition of ourselves and everybody who is around us. When you stop to think about it, you realize that no matter what anyone else says, its your own opinion that really counts, so if you thrust out into the world thinking you are the best, you are, and if you are shy and hate some things about yourself, you are too. In both examples, the person we are talking about will only believe their own thoughts and opinion. Which is my this rock is so important. 
It is living proof of the human species. What is most important, to me at least (and im pretty sure that to quiet a few others too), is what is inside a person that really matters the most.
Its that attitude in life. The way a persons personality is defined is something special,, with thousands of tiny nooks and crannies all waiting patiently for somebody to discover them. And all those that are already discovered and make all the imperfections perfect. It makes us appreciate all those little details that a person has, just like the crystals in the rock.
Because inside? That is the real thing

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

Just that.

October 23, 2013

The light of life

Beneath the moon and stars, two lights make their way through the dark. One is  slightly closer to the ground than the other one. Both going slowly up the hill. If you get closer you can hear these light talking.
One voice gruff, the other more high-pitched. They are talking about the olden days. When everything was easier and less complicated. When love was cupids arrow and nothing else mattered. When children played with pebbles and clothes. When dreams went outside every boundary. When the idea of the outside world was abstract and barely anything was known. And when fear consisted in your older brother popping out from behind a tree and scaring you.
One stumbles, the other stops and helps. Kindness is its own reward.
Slowly they head up the hill. Its almost dawn now, and as usual, its always darkest before light. A wolf howls in the distance and causes one light to crash into the ground suddenly. Only one remains lit. Now, there is barely enough light to see the path and slowly that one begins to burn out. It has been lit too many hours and is almost at the end of its life.
They are at the top of the hill and by now, the light is trembling with tiredness. It has been going uphill for too long, enjoying its life and shining brightly. It is now closer to the ground than it has ever been and you can see it is really close to its end. It is softly put on the ground, the soft, damp ground. The silence is heard everywhere.
The light is barely glowing now, its life spent.
And with its last glow it is lifted off the ground, while it regains strength. The wolf howls again and the light is a bright glow now.
It begins to move, now only one pair of footsteps. It moves toward another hill, for now it has many more to face again.
I wanted to write this post in honor of life. It is a metaphor. The old one being with the younger one, until this one gets its first scare. Then the younger one is now protected by the older one and understands why. As they both reach the top, it is time for young age to take over and the older one slowly disappears into the ground while the young begin another of the many hills whose tops are rewards until finally it is helped by other young.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 


Time is different.
Time is special.
It’s what makes people change.
It’s what makes people be unique.
It’s what alters our life.
It’s what,you know.
It’s what contols everything.
Most people say time is just another thing in life that happens. Something that you won’t get back. But still something of no importance.
You have to think of it this way; time is a gift. Given by somebody (i’m not saying it was given by god, not at all), being that somebody your friend, your family or even your enemy.
Times pases slowly without us really noticing it. It takes away seconds, minutes, hours and years. It takes away memories and moments. But it gives us more memories that replace the old ones, and even more moments to spend with that special person, family and friends.
It takes away life and gives us even more life back.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

They took time

And very nice of them to do that too.
Because its true inst it? When somebody is talking about you behind your back and criticizing you, they really are wasting their time and breath in you. They think they are hurting you, but all they really are doing is hurting themselves. By keeping you in their mind, every second of their day, every minute that pases, every breath they take. Cute love story.
That person lives day by day thinking of ways to torture you, of ways to make you cry, to make you hut but the are only doing that to themselves. Think of it this way; you are the clear winner in this silent battle of frustrated minds. This post is for all of you out there who get bullied, or just have everybody wishing you bad things.
I want those people to know that they are perfect in every single way and that they are so perfect that people talk about them, as if they were movie stars. So perfect that a bunch of loony people talking about you can not even make a teeny scratch on your better than anyone arms. So perfect that the have loads and loads of people believing they are perfect, loving them, believing in them.
So let me make this clear, don’t ever let one single of those comments get to you. You know why? Because you are so much better than them. And that’s what makes you perfect.
just remember…i….love…you, but never more than yourself. Because that is true love, and the rest of things? oh they are just there striving to get your attention and love. That love that you have for your own self (even if you don’t believe its there, it is), that everlasting love that sends the rest off.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

The truth is inside us

I find it very curious that in this society people often describe themselves as other people have described them. As i one doesn’t have his/her own opinion about themselves.
This thinking is a result of moving around and being with people who care more about what other people think of them than what they they. Their own thoughts. Children grow up in schools, at a very young age thinking they are the best, because of their parents (which if perfectly fine) but it is later on in life when things get tougher; when you are a teenager, you spend the days busy worrying about others opinion of you. No matter if you are popular or shy, you are constantly trying to impress someone.
Then comes adulthood, which is sopossed to have more freedom in style and opinion, but that’s where most people get it wrong. You still have your freedom limited by a certain number of persons who don’t doubt the second they want to criticize you.
And thats where we have to change.
From a certain age.
Teenagers and adults.
YOU ARE YOU. And dont let anybody mess with that. No one, i repeat, no one, has the right to tell you that you are different and have to change, into a stereotype we have created ourselves. Everybody is perfect in their own way. And just becaus ethat person over there sitting with you on the bus is looking at you strangely, it doesnt matter. You turn around, look at that person straight in the eye. It is not necessary to say anything. Its just holdind that look. That look of independence, selftrust.
Your own opionion of your own self. Your clothes, your thoughts, your rights, YOU.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

Does it help?

Don’t you sometimes feel like everything you do isn’t getting you anywhere? As if it wasn’t even worth it.
Getting out of bed early in the morning to walk under the cold rain to a cold school. Spending 7 hours and then trudging back home.
Its a feeling we usually get. A feeling, momentarily or not, of loneliness and darkness. And everything you know sort of gets paused and doesn’t continue. When everything around you is of no importance at all to you and reality strikes you.
A worthless moment, a worthless thought, precious time.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

What if i told you i loved you?

What if i told you that i loved you?
Would you look at me in the eyes and tell me, me too?
Would you let a smile escape the borders of your mouth?
Would you not say a word?
Would you just wrap your arms around me?
Or would you leave, leave like all the past times you have left? Left me.
I’ve been here before, i said i loved you and you got scared and ran off. My confidence shattered and tears falling down my face.
Not only you, but him, and him and him. Its a new emotion every single time and i feel confident until that moment.
Its like we’re on a roller coaster saying yes then no. And i feel used every time, used like a tissue, when you clean up something then throw it away. As if my heart was a tissue. But i love you. Every little thing of yours, from your soft eyes to your welcoming smile.
So what if i told you that i loved you?

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

A thousand years

Doesn’t this just make your heart tear up?


Laugh like a child every single day


Believe in yourself, like no one has ever done

Ive been dreaming

I’ve been dreaming.
Dreaming that my world is save. That i’m alone and secure. No problems around me, no one disturbs me. Just me and my own company. My legs are dangling on the edge of a lonesome precipice, my hair brushing into my face because of the wind, my soft hands pushing it out of the way and my crystal clear blue eyes staring into the infinity below.
I’ve been dreaming.
Dreaming in your arms. That i look up and see your green eyes, reminding me of fresh grass sprinkled by drops of cold water. Our eyes are locked, on into the other, wishing for this moment to never end, while your warm hand carefully runs through my hair, sending me tingling sensations.
I’ve been dreaming.
Dreaming of sandy beaches. The waves curling around my toes and the sound of seagulls slowly going against the wind. The sun sliding down to touch my cool shoulders warming up my body and filling it with a warmth that makes you feel at home. The sound of the waves overlaying each other and mixing their salty body with the rough surface of the sand.
Yes, i’ve been dreaming. And ill keep dreaming tomorrow

Esther Alós © All rights reserved