October 23, 2013

The light of life

Beneath the moon and stars, two lights make their way through the dark. One is  slightly closer to the ground than the other one. Both going slowly up the hill. If you get closer you can hear these light talking.
One voice gruff, the other more high-pitched. They are talking about the olden days. When everything was easier and less complicated. When love was cupids arrow and nothing else mattered. When children played with pebbles and clothes. When dreams went outside every boundary. When the idea of the outside world was abstract and barely anything was known. And when fear consisted in your older brother popping out from behind a tree and scaring you.
One stumbles, the other stops and helps. Kindness is its own reward.
Slowly they head up the hill. Its almost dawn now, and as usual, its always darkest before light. A wolf howls in the distance and causes one light to crash into the ground suddenly. Only one remains lit. Now, there is barely enough light to see the path and slowly that one begins to burn out. It has been lit too many hours and is almost at the end of its life.
They are at the top of the hill and by now, the light is trembling with tiredness. It has been going uphill for too long, enjoying its life and shining brightly. It is now closer to the ground than it has ever been and you can see it is really close to its end. It is softly put on the ground, the soft, damp ground. The silence is heard everywhere.
The light is barely glowing now, its life spent.
And with its last glow it is lifted off the ground, while it regains strength. The wolf howls again and the light is a bright glow now.
It begins to move, now only one pair of footsteps. It moves toward another hill, for now it has many more to face again.
I wanted to write this post in honor of life. It is a metaphor. The old one being with the younger one, until this one gets its first scare. Then the younger one is now protected by the older one and understands why. As they both reach the top, it is time for young age to take over and the older one slowly disappears into the ground while the young begin another of the many hills whose tops are rewards until finally it is helped by other young.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

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