October 23, 2013

The truth is inside us

I find it very curious that in this society people often describe themselves as other people have described them. As i one doesn’t have his/her own opinion about themselves.
This thinking is a result of moving around and being with people who care more about what other people think of them than what they they. Their own thoughts. Children grow up in schools, at a very young age thinking they are the best, because of their parents (which if perfectly fine) but it is later on in life when things get tougher; when you are a teenager, you spend the days busy worrying about others opinion of you. No matter if you are popular or shy, you are constantly trying to impress someone.
Then comes adulthood, which is sopossed to have more freedom in style and opinion, but that’s where most people get it wrong. You still have your freedom limited by a certain number of persons who don’t doubt the second they want to criticize you.
And thats where we have to change.
From a certain age.
Teenagers and adults.
YOU ARE YOU. And dont let anybody mess with that. No one, i repeat, no one, has the right to tell you that you are different and have to change, into a stereotype we have created ourselves. Everybody is perfect in their own way. And just becaus ethat person over there sitting with you on the bus is looking at you strangely, it doesnt matter. You turn around, look at that person straight in the eye. It is not necessary to say anything. Its just holdind that look. That look of independence, selftrust.
Your own opionion of your own self. Your clothes, your thoughts, your rights, YOU.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 


  1. Eres graaandeeeeee :) te quiero :)

    1. muchisimas gracias. yo tambien te quiero mucho y que te guste lo que escribo me llena de alegria
