October 23, 2013

They took time

And very nice of them to do that too.
Because its true inst it? When somebody is talking about you behind your back and criticizing you, they really are wasting their time and breath in you. They think they are hurting you, but all they really are doing is hurting themselves. By keeping you in their mind, every second of their day, every minute that pases, every breath they take. Cute love story.
That person lives day by day thinking of ways to torture you, of ways to make you cry, to make you hut but the are only doing that to themselves. Think of it this way; you are the clear winner in this silent battle of frustrated minds. This post is for all of you out there who get bullied, or just have everybody wishing you bad things.
I want those people to know that they are perfect in every single way and that they are so perfect that people talk about them, as if they were movie stars. So perfect that a bunch of loony people talking about you can not even make a teeny scratch on your better than anyone arms. So perfect that the have loads and loads of people believing they are perfect, loving them, believing in them.
So let me make this clear, don’t ever let one single of those comments get to you. You know why? Because you are so much better than them. And that’s what makes you perfect.
just remember…i….love…you, but never more than yourself. Because that is true love, and the rest of things? oh they are just there striving to get your attention and love. That love that you have for your own self (even if you don’t believe its there, it is), that everlasting love that sends the rest off.

Esther Alós © All rights reserved 

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